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Erasmus Reunion in Florence

Erasmus was calling again and like every couple of months, the summer semester 2008 of Sundsvall's erasmus students gathered for another happening.
At the last reunion on Stockholm January 2010, we discussed meeting next time either in Berlin or Florence. When I arrived home, Luca already had created facts by inviting everybody to Italy. Fine by me, Berlin won't run away, I guess. I can see it another time. So, I booked my plan and went from Eindhoven to Pisa taking then the bus to Florence. Although I actually spent only 2 full days in Florence, we had a great time. We spent one day in Florence and one day in Sienna, which I had "seen" during highschool already. But unfortunately I had slept at that time through the whole trip due to some big party at the night before. So this year, I could make up for the teenage party animal of my past and actually look around the city. I could go on over churches and architecture, but I suppose, Tuscany is famous enough that everybody has a proper picture in mind about it.
During that highschool trip, I also had been to Florence. But I had not seen the city at that time, neither. This time due to stupidty than to the party animal. Because the highschool trip had not been for fun, but for "studies" everybody was supposed to hold a presentation about some topic during the trip. My topic had been "Dante" who is buried in a cathedral in Florence. Of course nobody prepared his presentations before the trip, but the day before or on the bus ride to sight of interest. Unfortunately, although my sources were prepared (=I had printed them), I forgot them at the breakfast table. Already sensing the mood of my teacher, I was nervous the whole trip. I thought to be lucky when he announced 2 hours free time in Florence, before we would meet in front of Dante's cathedral where I was supposed to present is living and dying. Instead of walking around the city, I spent 2 hours sneaking after tourist groups trying to absorb what there guides were talking about. Unfortunately, they hardly said anything about Dante. After 2 hours, I faced my destiny and hold the shortest and worst presentation of all times resulting in a mad teacher punishing the class with cancellation of an extra trip which resulted of course in the class' dislike towards me. From that time on, every time when teacher or classmates talked about lazy students and Tuscany trip, I was addressed at least with a judging look. I even got anonymously "honored" in the graduation magazine one year later.
Still with that old story in mind, I was glad to be in Florence having time to explore the city with my friends, this time. But there were too many tourists for my taste. But Luca and Martina took great care of us, showing us the less touristy spots including romantic night view from the mountains outside Florence and the maybe-best restaurants in the city. The mandatory club night lasted until 4 am.
Having Luca's trick in mind, I wrote an invitation for the next reunion in Berlin as soon as I got home. Now we are going to meet in mid September. Fact.


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